- Notifications about PUMP & DUMP
- More than 155 coins tracking

Crypto exchanges can also track coins, but only on 24 hours time frame. This means that you can miss out pairs quick rise or fall. Our algorithm track more than 155 coins at the same time at 30 sec time frame, and in case of PUMP or DUMP instantly sends a notification



- Notifications about PUMP & DUMP
- More than 155 coins tracking

Crypto exchanges can also track coins, but only on 24 hours time frame. This means that you can miss out pairs quick rise or fall. Our algorithm track more than 155 coins at the same time at 30 sec time frame, and in case of PUMP or DUMP instantly sends a notification

User Agreement

General provisions
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is concluded between the individual entrepreneur ____________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”) and any person using the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “User”).

1.2. This Agreement is a public offer in accordance with Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Registration in the Service, the fact that the User uses the Service during the test period, as well as payment for the Tariff or Option constitute unconditional and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement. Ignorance and/or lack of familiarity with the terms of this Agreement does not relieve the User from liability for failure to comply with this Agreement.

1.4. The use of the Service is governed by this Agreement, as well as the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of this Agreement. This Agreement may be changed by the Administrator without notifying the User. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the User Agreement is always located on the page at:

1.5. Consumer rights protection legislation does not apply to the relations provided for in this Agreement.

2. Terms and definitions

The service is the Pumpotron software package, located on the Telegram bot website @Pumpotron_bot ( Belongs to the Administrator. Designed to create notifications for users. Service notices do not constitute financial advice or recommendations.

Account – the User’s unique account in the Telegram messenger, with which the User registers in the Service.

Auto-renewal – automatic debiting of funds for the Subscription for the next term after the end of the previous Subscription or Trial period. Debiting occurs on the day of registration of the first Subscription. Auto-renewal is activated automatically when you sign up for your first Subscription or Trial Subscription. The next Subscription term is equal to the previous Subscription term. With a Trial Subscription, the next Subscription period is 30 days.

Registration - launching the Telegram bot @Pumpotron_bot (

Test Period – a period determined by the Administrator, during which the User receives free trial access to the Service.

Content – ​​information, documents and other objects posted by the User on the Internet using the Service.

Tariff – the amount of the Administrator’s remuneration corresponding to a certain scope of the Service’s capabilities and the period of its provision.
Types of Tariffs are available on the page

Option is an additional paid functionality of the Service that is not included in the Tariff. Allows you to expand the functionality of the Service by the User. Types of Options are available in the User Account.

Incident is an event that is not an element of the normal functioning of the Service.

Agreement – ​​a document providing access to the paid functionality of the Service for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Partner is a person who registers for the first time in the Service from his Account using a special link from the User and pays the Tariff.

3. Subject of the agreement

3.1. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer by the Service Administrator of non-exclusive rights to use the Service to the User on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license by providing access to the Service. A simple (non-exclusive) license is limited to the “right to use”, and none of the provisions of this Agreement means transferring the exclusive right to the Service to the User.

3.2. The terms of this Agreement apply to all subsequent updates and new versions of the Service. By using a new version of the Service, the User accepts the terms of this Agreement for the corresponding updates, new versions of the Service, unless the update and/or new version of the Service is accompanied by another agreement.

3.3. The Service is the intellectual property of the Administrator and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international law. All exclusive rights to the Service, any copies thereof, as well as functional improvements belong to the Service Administrator. The right to use the Service is granted to the User on the terms and to the extent provided for in this Agreement.

3.4. The date of conclusion of this Agreement is the User’s Registration in the Service.

4. Access to the Service

4.1. The User carries out Registration in the manner established by the Service.

4.2. The User is obliged to register only through the Account that will be used in the Service in the future.

4.3. After the User pays for the selected Tariff or Option, access to the Service is provided automatically, no later than 24 hours from the date of payment by the User.

4.4. From the moment of Registration, the User is provided with a Test Period, which provides access to the functionality of the Service for 2 (two) calendar days.

4.4.1. The Administrator has the right to extend the period of use of the Test Period, of which the User receives a notification via mailing on the Administrator’s sites or a personal notification in the Telegram messenger.

4.4.2. Upon expiration of the Test Period, the User has the right to select and pay one of the Tariffs offered by the Service, otherwise access to the functionality is blocked.

4.5. The User has the right to provide third parties with access to the Service to work in the Service.

4.6. All actions performed by the User on the Service are considered to be performed by him personally or by his authorized person.

4.7. In case of hacking or loss of access to the Account, the User immediately notifies the Administrator.

4.8. The service provides for charging for the Tariff based on the Auto-Renewal principle. Every 30 calendar days, funds in the amount of the cost of the Tariff are debited from the User’s card.

4.9. To cancel a subscription, the user must write in the feedback form on the website or email

5. Procedure for using the paid functionality of the Service

5.1. The Administrator grants the User a non-exclusive right to use the paid functionality of the Service, and the User undertakes to pay the Administrator a fee.

5.2. To activate the paid functionality of the Service, the User must:

5.2.1. go through the authorization procedure on the Service (launch the Telegram bot @Pumpotron_bot ( by clicking on the "Start" or "Start" button);

5.2.2. pay or activate the selected Tariff and/or Option.

5.3. The User has the right to use the paid functionality of the Service for the period and to the extent provided for in the selected Tariff or Option, and only for its direct functional purpose.

5.3.1. Access to the paid functionality of the Service is activated within 1 (one) calendar day from the date of payment. After activating the paid functionality of the Service in the Account, access to the Service is considered granted.

6. Terms of use of the Service

6.1. The functionality of the Service is described in the Telegram bot @Pumpotron_bot ( The service is provided on an “as is” basis.

6.2. The Administrator has the right to limit the use of certain functions of the Service for all or individual Users, and to limit the posting of certain Content.

6.3. Rights to paid functionality of the Service are limited to the right to use the Service.

6.4. The right to use the paid functionality of the Service is granted by the Administrator to the User for the period of payment for the Tariff or Option.

6.5. The Administrator provides the User with consulting and technical support when using the Service through the chat functionality and/or by email. The scope and limits of support, timing of responses to requests, communication channels can be changed by the Administrator unilaterally.

6.6. The Administrator has the right to prohibit the User from performing certain actions, namely:

6.6.1. Use the Service in ways not provided for in this Agreement;

6.6.2. Violate the Privacy Policy of the Service;

6.6.3. Use software errors of the Service for your own purposes and transfer information about their presence to third parties, with the exception of the Administrator;

6.6.4. Make attempts to circumvent the technical limitations established by the Service;

6.6.5. Use third-party programs or other tools to improve/automate the functionality of the Service;

6.6.6. Impersonate an employee of the Service support service, a member of any of the Service’s assistant groups (administrators, moderators, consultants, etc.), former or current;

6.6.7. Falsify or delete any information about the copyright holders of the Service or Content;

6.6.8. Decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform other actions with the source code of the Service;

6.6.9. Use the Service for activities that violate this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.7. The Administrator has the right to immediately suspend, limit or terminate the User’s access to the Service in the following cases:

6.7.1. Identification of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement;

6.7.2. Identification of fraudulent actions that were carried out from the Account using the functionality of the Service;

6.7.3. If the User uses the Service to conduct activities that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.

6.8. The Administrator has the right to send notifications and mailings to the User in the Service. Registration in the Service is an appropriate confirmation of the User’s consent to receive the above notifications and mailings. The user has the right to refuse to receive notifications and mailings at any time by writing to

6.9. The User has the right to contact the Administrator by sending an email to

6.10. The User is obliged to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of his Account.

7. Administrator's remuneration

7.1. The amount of the Administrator's remuneration is determined based on the Tariff and/or Option chosen by the User.

7.1.1. The Administrator has the right, at its discretion, to establish discounts on certain Rates and/or Options.

7.2. The cost of the paid functionality of the Service does not include possible commissions of payment providers.

7.3. Payment for Tariffs and Options by Users is made using one of the methods specified in the Account:

7.3.1. Payment by bank cards.

7.3.2. Payment by electronic money: YooMoney, QIWI and others.

7.3.3. Payment by other methods through personal agreement with the Administrator.

7.4. The remuneration is considered paid from the moment the corresponding amount of funds is received from the User to the Administrator’s bank account.

7.4.1. The User's payment obligations are considered unfulfilled if the Administrator returns the funds at the request of the payment organization. In this case, the Administrator has the right to deny the User access to the paid functionality of the Service from the moment the funds are returned.

7.4.2. In the event of a delay in crediting funds to the Administrator's current account for more than 3 (three) days, the User has the right to contact the Administrator to provide evidence of the transfer of funds, as well as independently resolve the situation with the payment organization.

7.5. All payments under this Agreement are made in Russian rubles. The amount of remuneration is not subject to VAT on the basis of clause 3 of Art. 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

7.6. The User has the right to change the Tariff to increase the validity period. In this case, the User pays the difference in the cost of Tariffs.

7.6.1. The User does not have the right to change the Tariff to reduce the validity period.

7.6.2. Tariffs and Options, as well as their cost, may be changed by the decision of the Administrator, while the cost of an already paid Tariff or Option remains unchanged.

7.6.3. The Administrator notifies of changes in Tariffs and Options by posting information on the Service.

7.6.4. Termination by the User of using the paid functionality of the Service, including in connection with his violation of the terms of this Agreement, is not grounds for returning the amount paid under the Tariff and/or Option.

7.7.1. Refunds are possible within 24 hours after payment has been made.

7.7.2. To make a return, you must contact the service support team.

7.7.3. Refunds are made to the details from which payment was made within 14 days from the date of the request.

8. Service Affiliate Program

8.1. The User has the right to invite Partners to the Service via a special link to become Users of the Service and pay the Tariff. The user receives bonuses for inviting Partners.

8.2. The User has the right to use bonuses only when paying for services within the Service. Bonuses can be used to pay for the Tariff when the amount of bonuses exceeds or equals the cost of the Tariff.

8.3. The Administrator has the right to set any amount of bonuses for inviting Partners to the Service.

8.4. Abuse of rights by the User is not permitted, namely, it is prohibited to invite persons whose Accounts belong to the User (“second”, “additional” User Accounts).

9. Relations with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

9.1. The Administrator provides access to the paid functionality of the Service to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the basis of a separate Agreement.

9.2. If the User needs to conclude an Agreement, he must send a notification describing the required functionality, the period for connecting the Service and the organization details to the Administrator’s email:

9.2.1. The Administrator enters into an Agreement subject to the activation of the Tariff and Options in the amount of at least 2,000 (two thousand) rubles. Otherwise, the Administrator has the right to refuse the User to conclude the Agreement, and payment is made on behalf of the representative - an individual in accordance with the provisions established in this Agreement.

9.2.2. The Administrator notifies the User of his decision within 3 (three) working days.

10. Warranties

10.1. The Administrator has the exclusive right to the Service.

10.2. The Administrator does NOT guarantee that the Service meets the User’s requirements, will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors, and the quality of any product, service, information, etc. obtained using the Service will meet the User’s expectations.

10.3. The User guarantees compliance with this Agreement, the Privacy Policy and the rules of social networks and instant messengers in which the Content is posted.

11. Responsibility

11.1. The User assumes all risk associated with the use of the Service. The service is provided “as is”, without the Administrator providing any guarantees regarding its use.

11.2. The user is responsible for:

11.2.1. relevance, reliability, absence of claims from third parties regarding the information that the User receives using the Service;

11.2.2. any Content that the User receives through the Service, as well as the consequences of its use;

11.2.3. own actions on the Service in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.3. The administrator is not responsible for:

11.3.1. for specialized resources and the quality of public communication network channels through which access to the Service is provided, as well as those caused by interruptions in the provision of services of contractors and (or) data processing and storage centers;

11.3.2. for possible failures and interruptions in the operation of the Service, termination of its functioning and the resulting loss of Content and/or any other information, including the inability to use the Service in a certain territory;

11.3.3. for any actions of social networks and instant messengers in relation to Content, including changes in the rules for its publication;

11.3.4. for loss of access to any social network and instant messenger, for incorrect or untimely posting of Content;

11.3.5. for any types of losses that occurred as a result of the User’s use of the Service or individual parts/functions of the Service;

11.3.6. to the User or to any third parties for information discrediting honor, dignity or business reputation posted using the Service;

11.3.7. for breakdowns or other malfunctions of the User’s computer, mobile device, or any other device that arose while using the Service;

11.3.8. for the consequences caused by the loss or disclosure by the User of his data necessary to access the Service;

11.3.9. for errors and/or violations related to the operation of the Service and resulting from unlawful actions of the User’s personnel or third parties;

11.3.10. for actions of third parties to forcibly reduce the availability of the Internet or hardware and software components of the Service;

11.3.11. for failures and interruptions in the operation of the Service caused by force majeure circumstances, namely: fires, floods, earthquakes, strikes, wars, epidemics and pandemics, actions of government authorities or other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties. Such circumstances must be confirmed by certificates from the competent authorities no later than 10 (ten) working days after the start of their effect;

11.3.12. for failures and interruptions in the operation of the Service caused by the actions of government agencies, including law enforcement agencies, related to the seizure and/or seizure, or other obstruction of access to the servers of the Administrator’s contractors on which the Service is hosted;

11.3.13. errors in the operation of the hardware and software complex of the payment system. If funds are not credited to the Administrator's account due to an error, the obligation to return funds to the User lies with the provider of the electronic payment system.

11.3.14. interruptions in the provision of services from contractors and (or) data processing and storage centers.

11.3.15. lack of connection of the Service to the Internet and/or to the Administrator’s servers on the User’s territory.

11.3.16. If the User, without the written consent/instruction of the Administrator, copied, made changes, prepared derivative materials, decompiled, disassembled the Service or made any other attempts to gain access to the source code, or in any other way changed the Service, the Administrator has the right to require the User to pay a fine in in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) rubles for each case of such violation.

11.3.17. The information provided through the Service does not constitute individual investment advice, and the financial instruments or transactions mentioned therein may not correspond to your investment profile and investment goals (expectations). Determining whether a financial instrument or transaction suits your interests, investment goals, investment horizon and level of acceptable risk is your task. The administrator is not responsible for possible losses in case of transactions or investments in financial instruments mentioned in this information, and does not recommend using this information as the only source of information when making an investment decision.

The historical return chart displays a simplified visualization of the historical return trajectory. Historical returns do not guarantee future returns, and past investment results do not determine future returns.

In view of the above, the User should not rely solely on the information provided, but should conduct their own investment analysis.

The information does not contain advertising of securities and digital financial assets.

Numerical indicators are calculated by the Service based on public data, among other things.

The Administrator is not responsible for possible losses of the Investor if the User decides to carry out a trading operation (transaction) with the specified digital financial assets and other financial instruments.

11.4. The Administrator has the right to compensate the User for untimely elimination of the Incident in the form of a proportionate increase in the period of use of the paid functionality of the Service.

11.4.1. In the event that claims, demands and/or suits are presented to the Administrator for violation of the rights of third parties, the User assumes obligations to resolve them and compensate the Administrator for damage if it arises.

11.5. The Administrator's liability cannot exceed the amount of remuneration transferred by the User for the period in which the violation occurred.

12. Technical support

12.1. The Administrator provides the User with technical support when using the Service. The volume and limits of support, timing of responses to requests, communication channels are determined unilaterally by the Administrator.

12.2. Ensuring functionality occurs remotely through the Administrator's server.

12.3. The period for eliminating the Incident cannot exceed ten (10) working days. The following cases are not considered an Incident:

12.3.1. Any planned time of unavailability of the Service, about which the Administrator notified the User at least 1 (one) calendar day in advance.

12.3.2. Periods of unavailability for the purpose of maintaining the technical infrastructure of the Administrator.

12.4. Technical support is provided through the Administrator’s official communication channels:

12.4.1. Via the official technical support email:
13. Privacy

13.1. The Administrator processes the User’s personal data in order to execute this Agreement and in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

13.2. The procedure for processing and protecting personal data is determined by the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

13.3. If the User processes personal data of third parties, the User is independently responsible for compliance with appropriate measures to protect personal data in accordance with the requirements of the Law and other current legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Dispute resolution

14.1. All questions and disagreements that may arise between the Administrator and the User (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) are resolved through negotiations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

14.2. The parties undertake to comply with the pre-trial (claims) procedure for resolving disputes. The period for responding to a claim is 10 (ten) business days from the date of its receipt by the recipient Party.

14.3. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations and through a claim procedure, the dispute is referred to the court at the location of the Administrator.

15. Other provisions

15.1. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

15.2. The invalidation or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Agreement does not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

15.3. The Administrator has the right to involve any third parties to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, including processing User requests by the Service support service.

15.4. The Administrator may terminate this Agreement by sending a corresponding notice to the User.

16. Administrator details